How many boxes do you have?

How many tapes do you have?

How many files do you have?

Our comprehensive records management solutions cover every aspect of your document lifecycle with high-quality services, including document storage, scanning, and confidential shredding. Experience the convenience of next-day retrievals delivered during a time-slot of your choice, and enjoy a hassle-free initial collection with no hidden charges such as congestion fees.
Chatham Archive offers a range of document storage services in Tunbridge Wells and surrounding areas, allowing you to streamline your records storage procedures and save money. Our services are designed to help you reduce costs, free up office space, and improve your records management process.
With new fines for malpractice of information retention it is vital that you properly dispose of redundant documents. We shred and pulp confidential documents - minimising exposure to fines. With free initial barcodes, collection and setup your data is secured at the lowest expense.